Geoists in History

Geoists in History was a prominent series in our 119 year old Progress Magazine. Geoist is an alternative term for Georgist. In his long running contribution, Karl William’s has documented biographical information of notable figures who were proponents of Georgism, or shared who espoused Georgist values despite having no direct knowledge of Henry George’s work.

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Geoists in History

Sir Stamford Raffles
Walter Burley Griffin
Sun Yat Sen
Leo Tolstoy
EJ Craigie
Clyde Cameron
Edward McGlynn
Max Hirsch
William Penn
Richard Cobden
John Locke
David Lloyd George
Helen Keller
Banjo Paterson
Benjamin Franklin
Sir Thomas More
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Gerrard Winstanley
James Tobin
William Oglivie
Clarence Darrow
Sir Ronald East
Herbert Spencer
Abraham Lincoln
Arthur Henderson
George Orwell
Thomas Jefferson
EJ Craigie
Adam Smith
Frank Lloyd Wright
Ramsay MacDonald
Gaetano Filangieri
Andrew Carnegie
Philip Snowden
HG Wells
David Ricardo
Patrick Edward Dove