Our latest Research
Rent-Controlled Resources: Why are we under-charging Australia's mining tenants?
This report examines Australia’s resource royalties and the gains to be made by moving to a more flexible royalty model with variable rates
Speculative Vacancies Report 11
Our latest Speculative Vacancies report examines the extent of unoccupied housing in Melbourne and what it reveals about land and housing markets.
Buying better income taxes with land taxes
Tax reform is more than changing income tax rates, it’s about shifting taxes off income altogether. This report explores one of the most recommended reforms.
Staged Releases: Peering Behind the Land Supply Curtain
In this report we ask whether the private choices of property owners to supply new housing according to market conditions works against the stated public policy outcome of supply-driven affordability through rezoning.

EVENT: Prosper Australia End of Year members & supporters night
Join us for a fun night celebrating our members and supporters as we wrap up the year at Prosper Australia!
Join us for a night of celebration and appreciation at Level 1, ...

Prosper Slams Allan Labor Government’s Land Value Giveaway
Prosper Australia has expressed strong concerns over the Allan Labor Government’s recent announcement of 50 new activity centres across Victoria, citing the absence of any form of Land Value Capture (LVC) mechanism as a missed opportunity to ensure fairness and economic sustainability.

Transcript: Value Capture and Affordable Housing: Insights from Singapore
133rd Henry George Commemorative Dinner Address by Professor Sock-Yong Phang, Singapore Management University, Kelvin Club, Melbourne, 15 August 2024
Value ...

What do land tax, Monopoly, and Australia have in common?
The following opinion piece was written by Gareth Hutchens and published in the ABC on Sunday 31st March, 2024. It is reproduced here with permission. This piece of writing was part of a 3-part series, awarded the 2024 E.J. Craigie Writing Award.

Brisbane: Value capture and affordable housing: economic lessons from Singapore
Join us for a seminar and discussion with one of Singapore’s leading urban economists, Professor Sock-Yong Phang.
Prosper Australia in conjunction with the Cities ...

133rd Annual Henry George Commemorative Dinner and Address
Join us for a night of intellectual discourse and celebration at the 133rd Annual Henry George Dinner and Address, to be held on Thursday, August 15th, 2024, at The Kelvin ...

Report: 100,000 vacant homes in Melbourne
2024 Speculative Vacancies report release shows 5.2% of Melbourne’s homes lie vacant.
Prosper Australia’s 11th Speculative Vacancy report, examining water meter data, today ...
Simple tweak to resource royalties could raise almost $15B a year
November 13, 2024