Resource Royalties

Capture a fair share of value for the owners of Australia’s resources – the Australian people.

Empty Homes

How tax can curb property speculation to boost housing supply and affordability.

Tax Shift

We need tax reform for a fair and future-ready economy.

Property Tax Reform

It’s time to swap stamp duty for land tax and reduce the barriers to home ownership.

Our latest Research

Rent-Controlled Resources: Why are we under-charging Australia's mining tenants? Report cover

Rent-Controlled Resources: Why are we under-charging Australia's mining tenants?

This report examines Australia’s resource royalties and the gains to be made by moving to a more flexible royalty model with variable rates

Speculative Vacancies Report 11

Our latest Speculative Vacancies report examines the extent of unoccupied housing in Melbourne and what it reveals about land and housing markets.

Buying better income taxes with land taxes

Tax reform is more than changing income tax rates, it’s about shifting taxes off income altogether. This report explores one of the most recommended reforms.

Staged Releases: Peering Behind the Land Supply Curtain

In this report we ask whether the private choices of property owners to supply new housing according to market conditions works against the stated public policy outcome of supply-driven affordability through rezoning.