Submission to the Inquiry into Local Government funding and services (Victoria)
Prosper Australia is an economic research organisation founded in the Georgist tradition of political philosophy. Our work centres on the monopolistic nature of land and how it shapes our economy and society. We have a long history of research into property taxation...
Submission to the Inquiry into the Rental and Housing Affordability Crisis in Victoria
Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee 7 July 2023 Thank you for the opportunity to submit to the Legal and Social Issues Committee’s inquiry into rental and housing affordability. Prosper Australia is an independent research institute formed over 100...
Submission to the Victorian Legislative Council Inquiry into Land Transfer Duty Fees
Prosper's submission to the Victorian Legislative Council Inquiry into Land Transfer Duty Fees reflects our evolving thinking around the core motivations for the reform. 14 April 2023 Prosper Australia is an independent research institute focused on the management of...
Submission to the Commonwealth Housing Legislative Package 2022
Prosper provided feedback to the Commonwealth’s draft Housing Legislative Package – Housing Australia Future Fund Bill, National Housing Supply and Affordability Council Bill, and Amendment Bill which was on exhibition over Christmas. If enacted, these bills will give...
Property Market Imperfections
Our submission to the Minister for Consumer Affair's Property Market Review. Property Market Review Prosper Australia has concerns surrounding both the privatisation of real estate data, the inaccuracy of statistics and the practice of staging lot releases in large,...
Submission to the 2022 Victorian Budget
Download our 2022 Vic budget submission (submitted March 2022) Executive Summary Prosper welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the 2022-23 Victorian Budget. We are an independent, Melbourne-based research institute with a focus on the management of exclusive and...
Inquiry Into Housing Affordability & Supply
Prosper Australia recently submitted to the 2021 Federal Inquiry into housing affordability and supply.
A petro state without the petro dollars
On Friday 20 August, Jesse Hermans & I appeared at Senator Patrick’s Oil & Gas Inquiry. The focus of the inquiry was to evaluate what Australia could do to maximise returns from publicly owned oil and gas resources and examine how other nations have designed their tax systems. Particularly in light of climate change and the potential for stranded assets.
Submission to Victoria’s Ten Year Affordable Housing Strategy 2021
Prosper’s submission focuses on the scope of the strategy. We do not believe that a long term strategy for affordable housing can ignore the political economy of private freehold land ownership. Understanding the distinction between owning a home and owning a...
National Water Reform Submission 2021
Download our 2020-21 National Water Reform Inquiry 2020-21 submission (submitted March 2021) Prosper Australia thanks Productivity Commission for accepting feedback on its draft National Water Reform Report. As a non-government organisation with a focus on economic...
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