Clean Money in a Dirty System

Just how did they get that re-zoned?

Clean Money in A Dirty System – a seminar with Cameron Murray

Wednesday, 24 June, 12.30 – 1.30pm
RMIT City Campus, Swanston Street Building 80, Level 05, Room 012
Presenter: Cameron Murray
RSVP (attendance is free)

Prosper has teamed up with RMIT University’s Centre for Urban Research to present a not to be missed seminar with Cameron Murray – recently featured in the Guardian: Developers with strong political connections ‘44% more likely to win favourable decisions’, and on Renegade Economists.

Based on the study Clean Money in a Dirty System: Relationship Networks and Land Rezoning in Queensland (by Murray and colleague Paul Frijters), learn about this landmark methodology  modelling game theory from thousands of cosy relationships to determine the likelihood of beneficial re-zoning outcomes.

It compares characteristics of landowners of comparable sites inside and outside the rezoned areas, finding that ‘connected’ landowners benefit. The relationships are defined in this picture:

6,700 relationship networks revealed

6,700 relationship networks 


Cameron Murray is a PhD candidate at The University of Queensland. He specialises in environmental economics, rent-seeking and corruption, and property markets. Previously Cameron worked in the Queensland government in a variety of roles, including water planning as economics liason for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, and in the Queensland Competition Authority reviewing infrastructure charges and rail pricing.

He writes for MacroBusiness, IDEAeconomics, and maintains a renowned personal blog called Fresh Economic Thinking.

Image – Skyler, Unsplash