Tuesday Oct 2nd, 6.30pm
1/27 Hardware La, Melbourne
Presenter: Philip Soos

RSVP $5 entry

Does Negative Gearing increase rental supply? Is it a path to wealth or a black hole?

Download the full report (PDF)

Philip Soos has assembled an extensive array of data to dispute the policy’s effectiveness in delivering housing affordability.

Julia Gillard’s recent statement: ‘We think that, you know, an abolition of negative gearing would cause distortions to the property market that we didn’t want to see.’, must be disputed with fact.

Participants in the event will learn just how much this write off has cost tax payers over the last 20 years, how this behaviour has affected housing supply and whether the quarantining of negative gearing 1985 – 87 genuinely affected real rents.

From the report:

Despite the fact that negative gearing has existed for a long time, much assertion but surprisingly little evidence has been put forth to justify this policy across all classes of investment, including the residential real estate market.

We hope you can join us for this long overdue analysis.

RSVP $5 entry

Photo courtesy of haile @ Clker