BLOG: Bryan Kavanagh

Economic depressions for dummies

photo credit: azrainman Occasional commentary # 9 27 March 2009 Bryan Kavanagh Let’s say labour joins with capital to produce wealth. The locational rent of land arises as a by-product, simply from the existence of the community. Say, for some reason or other, you...

Taking the ‘con’ out of ‘confidence’

An occasional commentary on the depression # 8 5 March 2009 Bryan Kavanagh* There’s something happens when people get together in groups. Their IQs halve. If the most obvious fact an outsider puts to the group is incomprehensible to them, the interloper should be set...

Breaking in on the Rent Seekers

photo credit: h.koppdelaney Bryan Kavanagh (LVRG) 11 March 09 As published in the Age today (Business Opinion page) “Put to the vote: as many are of the opinion that a public tax upon the land ought to be raised to defray the public charge, say 'yea'... ” “... Carried...

Fundamental Answers to Fundamental Questions

The economic depression: an occasional commentary # 4 10th January 2009 Bryan Kavanagh, LVRG [If you wish to keep things simple and ignore unnecessary explanation, please proceed to the final, italicised paragraph.] The form of reductionism that has provided DNA...

Ineffective Demand

# 2 12 December 2008 Ineffective demand: a picture of a tax-induced economic depression In the 2nd of this most important series of commentaries warning of the looming depression, Bryan Kavanagh interprets one of his most important graphs. Mr Kavanagh lists the...

The Depression – A Running List of Warnings

photo credit: funadium Over the next few posts we will bring you a series of reminders about how we and our colleagues have been warning about the impending financial peril for many years. The Depression An occasional commentary (for Australia’s federal politicians)...

Rating Federal Treasury’s Performance

By Bryan Kavanagh Treasury’s mission is “to improve the wellbeing of the Australian people by providing sound and timely advice to the Government, based on objective and thorough analysis of options, and by assisting Treasury Ministers in the administration of their...

Unlocking the Riches of Oz

Fri June 15th, 7.15pm The launch of Bryan Kavanagh's (LVRG) groundbreaking report Bryan Kavanagh will take us through his world leading statistics, analysing economic trends over the 34 years the report covers. He will deliver insights on how the property market is...