Submission to the 2021 Victorian Budget

Submission to the 2021 Victorian Budget

Download our 2021 Vic budget submission (submitted February 2021) Executive Summary Prosper welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the 2021-22 Victorian Budget. We are an independent, Melbourne-based research institute with a focus on the management of exclusive...

Submission to the 2020 Victorian Budget

Submission to the 2020 Victorian Budget

Download our 2020 Vic budget submission (submitted January 2020)   Prosper welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the 2020 Victorian Budget. It is our position that unearned and unproductive streams of private income which derive from these elements of our...

States have the best taxes

States have the best taxes

An excerpt to Prosper's submission to the NSW government's Federal Financial Relations Review: Prosper Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the NSW Federal Financial Relations Review (the Review). Prosper is an independent, not-for-profit...

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The power of revenue policy to create a fairer and more sustainable economy is significantly underestimated, and this is what we seek to change.