BLOG: Talking Points

Why Land Taxes Can’t be Passed On

Why Land Taxes Can’t be Passed On

'Taxes' on Land are Rents: Therefore they Can't be Passed On Rates and land ‘tax’ are notionally already in the gross rent paid by a tenant, and cannot be ‘passed on’. If, as claimed by vested interests, the land value tax can be passed on, why do not these...

Rezoning Windfall Gains Tax – FAQs

Rezoning Windfall Gains Tax – FAQs

Homebuyers might be wary of taxing rezoning windfalls, because they worry it will increase the sticker price of housing. The property industry says that taxing rezoning windfalls will increase the cost of housing because the tax will be passed on. They also say that...

The Verve of Vested Interests

The Property Council of Australia’s shameless threat to both sides of politics to look the other way on negative gearing reform is a slap in the face to the democratic process. Is this the stick accompanying the $2.4m in carrots donated to both sides of politics? For...

Gaffney on Piketty’s flaws

A frenchman with no commentary on the Physiocrats? Mason Gaffney, author of the groundbreaking The Corruption of Economics and the recent Gaffney Reader, analyses Tomas Piketty's bestseller 'Capital'. Capital in Any Century: A Response to Thomas Piketty by Mason...