2024 Speculative Vacancies report release shows 5.2% of Melbourne’s homes lie vacant. Prosper Australia’s 11th Speculative Vacancy report, examining water meter data, today revealed startling statistics on the extent of unoccupied housing in Melbourne that illustrate...
BLOG: Campaigns
Victoria’s Housing Statement – A promising start, the details will determine success
Victoria’s new Housing Partnership shows a lot of promise. The devil will be in the detail. Prosper Australia unpacks the issues.
Impeding the Market
Here is the livestream of the report launch for Speculative Vacancies 9 - Impeding the Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1oXXaObPOI The accompanying powerpoint: Speculative Vacancies 9 - Impeding the Market from Prosper Australia Just how much market power...
Vacancies to rise in a falling market
Cross-posted from the AFR's Michael Bleby. The number of vacant investor-owned properties in Melbourne remains high, with as many as 16.2 per cent homes sitting empty, according to the latest Speculative Vacancies report based on 2017 water usage data. The proportion...
Speculative Vacancies 9 – Impeding the market
Read the full report Key recommendations Water data indicates 60,901 residential properties were vacant in 2017 at a rate of 3.9%. Absolute vacancies using zero litres of water revealed 21,326 residential properties at 4.6% of the rental market. Up to 16.2% of...
Transcript – Inquiry into the Long-Term Lease of the Land Titles Registry
5 July 2018 TRANSCRIPT: STANDING COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING Inquiry into the proposed long-term lease of land titles and registry functions of Land Use Victoria Members Mr David Davis — Chair Dr Samantha Ratnam Witnesses Mr Karl Fitzgerald (affirmed),...
Value Capture & Its Beneficiaries
Prosper's recent value capture submission answered pressing questions, an indication of how deeply the Department of Infrastructure is considering this vital funding mechanism. Read the department's Value Capture discussion paper for an insight into their...
Reform Negative Gearing Now!
Are you locked out of the housing market? Do you want to see an end to market distorting subsidies to property investors? Sign the petition! This petition calls for the Federal Government to reform negative gearing NOW! Negative Gearing must be limited to new housing...
Almost 20pc of Melbourne’s investor-owned homes empty
Published by the Australian Financial Review by Michael Bleby The number of empty houses and apartments in Melbourne is much higher than traditional estimates, with as many as one-fifth of all investor-owned properties lying empty, according to a study of water usage...
Value Capture for Victoria
Debate over the new Melbourne Metro Tunnel and the funding needed is expected to heat up now that PM Abbott has said the $1.5 for the E-W Link is 'locked in a box'. An interesting article in The Age highlighted the need for value capture: One idea floated this...