Virtual Lunch Room: Airlines, Highways & Airwaves

Virtual Lunch Room: Airlines, Highways & Airwaves

In this Virtual Lunch Room, we investigate the effects of our economic ‘hibernation’ on monopolists. Are those who own our scarcest resources sharing the pain?   What: Casual chat in the lunch hour to discuss the economy we’re living in. When: 12:30—1:15PM Wednesday...
Submission to the 2020 Victorian Budget

Submission to the 2020 Victorian Budget

Download our 2020 Vic budget submission (submitted January 2020)   Prosper welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the 2020 Victorian Budget. It is our position that unearned and unproductive streams of private income which derive from these elements of our...
March monthly discussion: Should we scrap compulsory super?

March monthly discussion: Should we scrap compulsory super?

Who wins and loses from higher compulsory super contributions? March 5   |   6:30pm   |   Prosper HQ, Level 1/64 Harcourt St North Melbourne Superannuation is widely supported by Australians and is considered a key pillar in retirement savings. But is the system still...
Life After Interest Rates with Josh Ryan-Collins

Life After Interest Rates with Josh Ryan-Collins

With interest rates at record lows, what are the implications for the Australian economy? What can be learnt from other nations? Josh presents some likely alternatives for policymakers to consider as the dangerous mix of loose credit alongside lax land policy...