What can’t be said

Having recently read biographies of Paul Keating, Wayne Swan, and Craig Emerson, I’m astounded at their incredible levels of political commitment and investment in the Labor Party, and to Australia, during the Hawke-Keating period of government from 11 March 1983 to...

A farmer’s plea

  The Need for Economic Democracy by Mark Haywood   “Our planet is small at last, and we will not forever be able to seek prosperity in the impoverishment of others and the destruction of nature. Ecology compels us, finally, to ask if there is a decent...

If land prices escalate, wages must suffer

In an interesting article in the Fairfax media today, purporting to provide the truth about declining wages in Australia, Jessica Irvine and Adam Gartrell fail to mention that David Ricardo, Adam Smith, JS Mill and Henry George had all said that land rent needs to be...

Proposed removal of Site Value rating option

James Webster Parkdale, VIC 3195 March 7th 2018,   Dear DELWP, I object to key changes in the Local Government Act Review that undermine the revenue sovereignty of local Councils. I consider revenue sovereignty crucial to council’s political sovereignty. I...