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Our Renegade Economists radio show is celebrating its 500th show next week. Here are some recent highlights:

The International Union for Land Value Taxation’s Alanna Hartzok discusses the political implications of a world unable to comprehend the onslaught of record land prices, immigration and inequality. UN developments alongside water rights are also analysed. Check the extensive show notes for more.

Michael Hudson is the author of the excellent new book J is for Junk Economics. In this interview he looks at the economic growth playbook, pokes holes in free trade theory and then jumps into Wall Street’s latest tool – the use of rental backed mortgage securities to buy up our communities. About a dozen other issues are covered in his usual rapid-fire manner. Show notes.

The cost of privatisation has reached into the Victorian Land Titles office. We interview Melbourne Uni academic Mohsen Kalantari Soltanieh on the mounting evidence of privatising land titles in Canada. Show notes.

Snr Commonwelath Bank economist Gareth Aird joins to discuss one of our key concerns – how land has been removed from the core basket of goods measuring inflation. We have 15% increases in house (read land) prices but yet record low inflation? Gareth discusses the UK concerns over this very fact and new statistical developments to correct this oversight. Please note that even with such moves, the UK only weight the land component at 16% (when so many are spending 30%+ on housing costs). Read Gareth’s Commonwealth Bank research note on What if dwelling prices were included in the CPI? Please read the show notes.

Lastly – what does a Georgist do who has made $500,000 in unearned income? Read the show notes and think positively!

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