Creative Commons License photo credit: Hyaground

Peter Martin, the journalist with the biggest sieve (catching all those Henry Tax report leaks), wrote recently on the LP’s highly secretive Ergas report:

The report proposes an annual land tax that would extend to the family home and would be used to fund the abolition of real estate stamp duty. ”It would be obvious nonsense to exclude the family home. It would create an unbearably low base.”

Company tax would be modeled on the resource rent tax that is presently in place for offshore petroleum and which the government’s Henry review recommends extending onshore.

Bryan Kavanagh stated:

So, we have a coalition report (the Ergas report) recommending a 20% flat income tax, plus a land tax which must include the family home, and the Henry Report that Glenn Milne initially inferred an across-the-board federal land tax, but which we’re assured by Peter Martin now excludes the family home.

With the GFC still raising it’s ugly head with recent sharemarket tremors, the need for other nations to review their tax system will no doubt continue. With the recent NZ tax review also recommending a greater role for land taxes in a highly mobile marketplace, our beliefs have never been more important.

If governments are serious about avoiding boom-busts, then the harnessing of the community created locational value of land (and other licensed monopolies) cannot be ignored. Billowing credit levels (as per helicopter Ben) will do little for the productive economy or sustainable growth. Resource Rents must be the prime revenue base for an economy concerned with reward for effort.